Hair loss can be the most frustrating thing when you are at your post teenage or mid-age and most consider healthy hair as the way of staying younger. However, hair loss could be genetic or can be triggered by improper diet and lifestyle. Anyhow, researchers have found various ways to implant artificial hair already but are not quite natural as it can get. On the other hand, traditional or herbalists suggest natural means to help retain and nurture a healthy growth of hair. Apart from using ginger to regrow the hair, one of the popular belief among the naturalists suggest that even onion can help in hair growth. But how?
Very much like ginger, it is completely safe to use onion for preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth as it helps in hair growth without any side effects or causing allergies. You can use onion as a natural remedy if you have receding hair line or bald patches. You may not be able to get the same result when you opt for hair loss treatment from costly hair spas. Talking about the how part, onions have rich sulfur content in them. Onion juices when applied on the scalp alone or in combination with other hair loss remedies can improve the blood circulation to the scalp. Further, sulfur also improves the production of collagen tissues which is necessary for the growth of hair. Since, hair grows from the hair follicles in the scalp, increased blood supply to the scalp brings better nutrients and nourishment to the follicles and promotes hair growth. Also, the sulfur content in the onion juice has anti-bacterial properties that prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria on the scalp which reduces the chances of losing hair due to these infections. Onion juice increases the strength of the hair and prevents thinning and breakage. Therefore, you can achieve improved volume to your hair by regularly applying the onion juice on the scalp.